
A Comprehensive Guide on Utilising Event Management Software for Post-Event Analysis and Reporting

Post Analysing events is a necessary step in order to improve your work. By analysing your events after their completion, you can get insights about your performance in conduction of the event. These insights can prove crucial to show you your shortcomings and hence help you in becoming better. Hosting a successful event is a multifaceted achievement that goes beyond the event day itself. The real measure of success lies in the ability to analyse and learn from the event’s outcomes, ultimately refining strategies for future endeavours. In the age of technological advancement, event management software (EMS) emerges as an invaluable tool for post-event analysis and reporting. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the functionalities of event management software and how to leverage them effectively for insightful post-event analysis.

1. Data Collection and Aggregation:

One of the chief features of event management softwares is their ability to collect, sort and handle data related to your event. These softwares acts as a comprehensive data repository, collecting information from various sources before, during, and after the event. It aggregates data on registrations, attendee engagement, feedback, and other crucial metrics. This provides an outline of the event in front of you helping you in analysing your performance in the event.

How to Use It:

  • Regularly monitor the software to ensure continuous data collection.
  • Validate the accuracy and completeness of the data collected.
  • Integrate the software with other tools like CRM systems for a unified data approach.

2. Attendance Tracking and Engagement Metrics:

EMS provides real-time attendance tracking during the event, capturing valuable data on attendee behaviour and engagement. This data includes session attendance, booth visits, and interaction with event materials. Once you have your hands on attendee presence and participation, you can easily analyse your performance based on their involvement in the event.

How to Use It:

  • Analyse attendance patterns to identify popular sessions or activities.
  • Track engagement metrics to understand which aspects of the event resonated most with attendees.
  • Use this data to inform content strategy for future events.

3. Feedback and Survey Tools:

Post-event surveys and feedback forms are integral to understanding attendee satisfaction and gathering insights for improvement. You should generate post-event feedback forms for the attendees and volunteers to know about their opinions on the event. EMS often includes built-in survey tools for convenient data collection. This makes it easy for you to follow this step.

How to Use It:

  • Design comprehensive feedback forms with a mix of quantitative and qualitative questions.
  • Encourage attendees to provide honest feedback on various aspects of the event.
  • Analyse survey responses to identify areas of success and areas that need improvement.

4. Financial Analytics:

Finance is one of the most important parts in conducting an event. If finance is not managed properly, your event can turn out to be a disaster. EMS helps in tracking the financial aspects of the event, including budgeting, expenses, and revenue generated. This data is crucial for assessing the event’s return on investment (ROI). You can also get insights on where the finance was lacking and where the budget was overspent in order to avoid further mistakes.

How to Use It:

  • Compare actual expenses against the budget to evaluate financial efficiency.
  • Analyse revenue sources to identify the most profitable aspects of the event.
  • Use financial data to make informed decisions for future budgeting.

5. Social Media Integration:

Integrating social media analytics into EMS provides insights into the event’s online presence and impact. Metrics like social media mentions, shares, and engagement offer a comprehensive view of the event’s reach. The reach of the event can be a significant data in order to understand the success of the event.

How to Use It:

  • Monitor social media activity during and after the event.
  • Analyse sentiment analysis to gauge attendee satisfaction.
  • Leverage social media insights for marketing and brand enhancement.

6. Speaker and Session Evaluations:

EMS allows for the evaluation of speakers and sessions, providing valuable feedback on content quality and speaker effectiveness. This will help you in analysing the quality of the event and how you can improve on it.

How to Use It:

  • Analyse speaker ratings to identify high-performing presenters.
  • Evaluate session ratings to understand attendee preferences.
  • Use this information to curate future speaker rosters and session topics.

7. Post-Event Reporting Tools:

Most EMS platforms offer reporting tools that allow for the creation of detailed post-event reports. These reports consolidate data from various sources into a comprehensive document for analysis and presentation. Post event reports are useful in many ways. They can be used in meetings and conferences to show the success or failure of the event. They can work as your portfolio while asking for sponsorship for next events.

How to Use It:

  • Customise reports to focus on key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Present data in a visually appealing and easily digestible format.
  • Share reports with stakeholders and team members for collective insights.

8. Benchmarking Against Goals:

Event goals are defined before its commencement, and EMS facilitates benchmarking against these goals. Analysing whether the event met its objectives is essential for continuous improvement. 

How to Use It:

  • Compare actual metrics against predefined goals.
  • Identify areas where goals were exceeded and where there was a shortfall.
  • Use benchmarking data to set realistic goals for future events.

9. Long-term Strategy Development:

Post-event analysis isn’t just about reviewing what happened; it’s about using that information to shape future strategies. EMS data guides the development of long-term event and marketing strategies. You can judge the effectiveness of your current approach to conducting events, where it lacks, how you can overcome it etc. through this tool.

How to Use It:

  • Identify trends and patterns that can inform strategic decisions.
  • Consider feedback and insights when planning future events.
  • Use data to refine overall marketing and engagement strategies.

10. Continuous Improvement Loop:

Perhaps the most significant advantage of post-event analysis with EMS is the ability to establish a continuous improvement loop. The insights gained become the foundation for refining processes, enhancing content, and optimising the overall event experience.

How to Use It:

  • Regularly revisit post-event reports and analyses.
  • Implement changes based on lessons learned from each event.
  • Encourage a culture of continuous improvement within the event planning team.


Event Management is a tedious job and needs regular introspection to improve oneself and/or maintain the continuity. In today’s digital era, information technology is useful in all the fields of life. In introspection of your events too, it is highly useful through the means of Event Management Softwares.

Event management software isn’t just a tool for organising events; it’s a strategic asset for post-event analysis and continuous improvement. By harnessing its diverse functionalities and leveraging the wealth of data it collects, event planners can turn every event into an opportunity for growth and refinement. In an era where data-driven decision-making is paramount, the effective use of event management software ensures that each event is not just a standalone success but a building block for an increasingly successful future.

Shubham Kumar Panda
Shubham Kumar Panda

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